Friday, October 31, 2008

Special bib day

Remember these? Well, Aunt Kati told me it was finally time for me to get to wear one! Apparently today is a special holiday kind of day. Aunt Kati says that big kids get candy on this day, but I will have to wait a while before I get to eat any. I do like fruit, though! Anyway, here's a cute picture of me in the bib.

I am a lucky boy, because many people love I got a gift of ANOTHER cute bib for today. Of course, I wore it too (I eat multiple times a day...several bibs is a good thing!)

I am getting to be a really good eater! Here I am after finishing breakfast, and you can see there are no spills on my bib! Yes, there is a bit of cereal on my face near my mouth, but Aunt Kati says that's an improvement from when I used to get it all over my face and even sometimes in my hair!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A special message

Aunt Kati says that it was a bit harder to get this message out than last time, because now I am "more interactive" with the paper. You'll just have to check out the pictures to see what she means by that.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Funny hat and other mail

I got several things in the mail today. I love when I get mail! First, Aunt Kati gave me this one to open. It was in a fun orange envelope with pumpkins on it...and it had come all the way to me from Hawaii!

Inside, there was a cute Halloween card from my Auntie Annie, Tutu Katy, and Grammy. I liked it!

The other thing I got in the mail today was a cute hat. It matches my I love mummy outfit, but that was in the wash when the hat you'll just have to enjoy this picture of the hat by itself.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Catalog "shopping"

Aunt Kati was looking at a very colorful book the other day, full of pictures! She says it is called a "catalog". There is a pile of these books on the couch right now (Aunt Kati says she is "getting ready for Christmas", but I have no idea what that means...)

Anyway, I was sitting on the couch with Uncle John and decided that I wanted to look at the catalogs myself. And guess what? I found out that they are really fun - the pages are crinkly and easy to scrunch and tear. I had a blast making funny noises with them! I hope Aunt Kati was finished...

I love mummy

Mommy sent me a cute new outfit in the mail. Aunt Kati put it on me the other day and took my picture. Well, I should say "took my pictures". She took bunches! She says I am very photogenic, but I don't know what that means. She said that the smart people who read my blog (obviously, you are all smart, or you wouldn't be reading my blog...) will know what it means and will enjoy seeing just how cute I am!

And we saved the best picture for last...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My big boy seat

Now that I can sit up better by myself, I get to sit in a big boy chair at the table to eat. I love to bang on the tray with my hands! I can now eat four things: rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, green beans and squash. Aunt Kati says we might try peas next. Sounds good to me!

Oh and if you were wondering just how big I am: yesterday I went to the Doctor for my 6 month well baby visit; they checked and I am 27" long and weigh 19 pounds! Then they were mean to me (they put 4 needles in my legs); I screamed 'til I was red in the face, but I got over it in about 2 minutes. Aunt Kati says those are called "immunizations" and I need them to stay healthy; that sounds good, but I don't like the process at all!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Pumpkin in a parade

Today, I got all dressed up in my pumpkin suit. Look how adorable I am!

Then, Aunt Kati put me in the bumbo seat, which was in the Radio Flyer wagon we borrowed from my friend Mariah. I was the cutest pumpkin in the patch.

We walked to the school, and I was in the costume parade with lots of other kids. The "chicken" in the other Radio Flyer wagon is Carter, who is almost exactly one year older than me (he was born on April 25, 2007).

At the end of the parade, they gave prizes for the best costumes. I didn't win a prize, but Aunt Kati said that's just because there wasn't a prize for "cutest".

After the parade, I was a bit tired and overwhelmed, so I kicked back and chilled out in the wagon.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's a good thing...

...that I don't mind sharing, because my furry friends Savannah and Jakes seem to enjoy sitting in my stuff!

Happy half birthday to me!

Today is my "half birthday". That means I'm 6 months old. Aunt Kati said that it doesn't mean that I get half a cake, unfortunately! I did get to eat something new today, though: green beans. I liked them!

Here are my pictures with Squeakers, now that I am 6 months old. Aunt Kati says the biggest difference about these pictures is that I am not leaning against Squeakers - I can now sit up by myself!

I got a bunch of great presents - a bib, clothes, and a pile of books - from my Grandma Katy for my half birthday. Isn't she nice?

Uncle John and Aunt Kati and I went out to dinner to celebrate my big day. There was a nice lady there from England, and she gave me a nickel.

It was a happy half birthday!


Happy half a year birthday CONNOR! If i were there i would buy you a big cake! Like this one! LOVE YOU!

Love Mommy

Friday, October 17, 2008

I like oatmeal...

...better than rice cereal. Rice cereal is okay, but I really munch down the baby oatmeal cereal quickly. Aunt Kati says that Uncle John eats oatmeal every day too, so I am eating almost the same thing that he does. See, I'm a big grown up boy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A new book

Mommy sent me a new book, called Biscuit's Pet and Play Halloween. It is about a dog named Biscuit, and all the kids he sees dressed up in costumes.

I love to touch the pages - there are places on them which are soft, and silky, and rough. It is a really cool book!

It is also delicious! Well, not really, but I still like to chew on the corner.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I love bouncing!

Aunt Kati got me this really fun bouncer. She said it came from eBay...I don't know where that is, though. But I don't really care where it came from, I'm just glad it's here. It is loads of fun - I can bounce up and down in it, and it plays music, and has things which spin, click, and make other funny noises, plus something I can chew on too. I love to play in it!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

(almost) naked baby!

Sometimes I like to hang out without any clothes on at all! Well, I have to wear a diaper so I can't be completely naked, but even just being mostly naked is pretty fun!

I still drool a lot, so Aunt Kati sometimes puts a blanket nearby. I really love this one, with all the pictures of trucks and cranes. Vroom vroom!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I am growing and learning so much every day, sometimes I just get really tired! Luckily Uncle John has a nice shoulder to sleep on...which he lets me use when I need it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Playing dress up

The other day, Aunt Kati put a couple of really cute outfits on me. She said we were trying on "potential Halloween costumes", but I have no clue what that means. Anyway, she said that this bee costume is too small for me, so I will not be wearing it for Halloween, and it's therefore okay to put the pictures of me in it here. (You will have to wait to see the pictures of me in my actual Halloween costume...)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

And another first...

This morning, Aunt Kati told me that today was the big day. I had no idea what she was talking about, but then for lunch I got to eat some cereal from a spoon, like a big boy! I loved it, and Aunt Kati said I did really well at eating.

I watched very closely while Aunt Kati stirred the cereal. I was ready!

Here comes my first spoonful!

I think I like this!

I helped Aunt Kati get the spoon to my mouth.

Some of the food got on my face, but I didn't mind. I was pretty proud of myself!

My first sail

I went for a sail on the schooner Windfall with Uncle John and Aunt Kati last night. We were celebrating their "anniversary". I don't know what that means, but I enjoyed sailing!

You can see the sun going down behind Uncle John and me.

The only bad thing about sailing is the mosquitoes! In this picture, you can see there's one biting me on my eyebrow.

By the time we were finished sailing, the moon had risen!

Here I am pretending to be the captain!

I can steer this boat!