Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cool, huh?

Aunt Kati found this old picture of me (from this summer), looking seriously cool in my sunglasses. Her friend Barry, who is a professional photographer, took it. Do I look cool or what?

You can see (and even buy!) a bunch more photos that Barry took of me by going here. The password is ocracoke. Enjoy!

Monday, December 28, 2009


Oh my goodness! Santa must have had LOTS of elves come to my house on Christmas Eve, because on Christmas morning when I came out of my room, there was a pile of presents under the tree, plus a big toy kitchen, a HUGE pile of large blocks, a cool sand and water table, and a basketball hoop in the living room. It was amazing! This was the look on my face when I saw it all. I wasn't sure what to play with first!

But I quickly decided to knock down the blocks...

...and then went to check out the kitchen...

...then dunked a basketball!

Here I am with the pile of presents.

Then I gave them out to everyone (Mommy told me who to give them to).

Lots of them were for me!

We took turns opening them (Mommy helped me unwrap mine).

I liked watching Daddy and everyone else open their presents, too.

And I took a little break by sitting on one of my presents!

One of the things I got was this cute sock monkey.

Another great present I got was this cool bubble mower. I love pushing it around the house. Aunt Kati says when the weather warms up I can push it around outside in the yard, and it will blow bubbles!

About halfway through opening presents, I got a bit overwhelmed and had a short toddler tantrum. (Aunt Kati said we had to post this picture so you would know I'm not always a perfect angel.)

I cheered up when I saw this fun sock monkey - he jumps out of the box!

Santa also put things in my stocking!

Mommy, Aunt Kati and Uncle John all got these funky sunglasses.

Daddy and Mommy got these warm snuggly blankets with sleeves (and Aunt Kati and Uncle John got them too, but they aren't in the picture!)

And Aunt Kati got a fun game called a wii. Here's Mommy using it to play tennis while Daddy and Grandma Lyn and I watch.

Christmas Eve

On the night before Christmas, we did all sorts of fun things!

First, Mommy baked cookies for Santa. I helped decorate them with red and green sprinkles.

Then, we went to church. There was a lot of music, and a fun play that the kids were in, and then we lit candles. After the service, Mommy and I went to talk to Santa who was visiting for a few minutes before starting his rounds of present delivery.

I wasn't quite sure what I thought of him...

...but then he gave me a present!

Then I sat down for a while near the tree.

And then I posed for a bunch of pictures.

With Daddy...

...and with Mommy...

...and with Mommy and Daddy...

...and with Grandma Lyn...

and with Aunt Kati and Uncle John!

When we got home, there was one present under the tree.

Mommy read the note, which explained to us that it was the first gift of Christmas.

Then she opened it, and we all got to see that Jesus was (and is!) the first gift of Christmas. I liked the fact that it plays music.

I was really tired from all the fun, and went right to sleep. That's good, because you have to go to sleep for Santa to come!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I love riding my rider! I got it for my birthday, and I have played with it nearly every single day since. Just in case you don't believe how much I love it, here's a video.

Monday, December 21, 2009

20 months!

I turned 20 months old today! Here are my pictures with Squeakers...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Disney day 4

It's time for yet another blog about my trip to Disney World! (Yes, I had lots of fun, so I want to keep sharing all about it...)

This morning, we went to breakfast at Chef Mickey's and we got to meet Donald Duck...



and, Mickey, of course!

They even brought me a cupcake because I was celebrating my first visit to Disney World. (At Disney World, you should celebrate something every day!)

I licked the icing off the candle...

and then gave some to Mommy!

Then we went to Hollywood Studios Park. There is a GIANT Mickey hand there.

Grandpa Joe Bob and Grandma Lyn met us there.

We went to see the Playhouse Disney Live on Stage show, and at the end a whole bunch of streamers came down from the ceiling. I thought they were fun!

Stay tuned for a couple more Disney blogs!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Today, I got to go to another Christmas party. It is so much fun this time of year! This party was at my school, Ocracoke Child Care.

Before the party, Mommy and Aunt Kati made presents for my teachers. They were jars of chocolate chips and crushed peppermint, which they could use to make Chocolate Peppermint Crunch. I helped Mommy to crush the peppermint, with a hammer!

Then, we went to the party. I sat on Mommy's lap for a while.

And then we sang a bunch of songs.

I got to play sticks for the song about the elves making toys.

And then I wore a halo for the song about being angels in the band. Aren't I cute?

Then, we got to have a snack. I let Mommy wear my halo for a while.

It was a great party!