Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another baby!

The other day, I noticed that there's another baby here! He was looking right at me while I was lying on my play mat. I thought he was funny, because he copied everything I did!

He is almost as cute as I am. But not quite.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Eat = snooze

When I eat my formula, it makes me very relaxed. It is just a soothing experience all around. Mommy or Daddy or Uncle John or Aunt Kati holds me close, and sometimes they talk or sing to me while I eat. I like to help them hold my bottle.

So I get quite calm, and I begin breathing slowly and deeply. My eyelids get very heavy, and then they start drooping.

And finally...I'm off to dreamland.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I love to smile at things, and have been doing that for a long time now. More recently, I started laughing out loud. Everybody loves it when I do that, and they say how cute I am. Here are some pictures of me giggling (Mommy was tickling my tummy), so you can see for yourself!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


I love listening to stories. Everybody likes to read to me, because I am such a good listener. I like to look at the pictures in the books, but mostly I like hearing the voices of people who read to me, because they are people I love and who love me. Here are some pictures of Daddy reading "Where the Wild Things Are" to me.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Look Ma! I can use my hands!

I grabbed my fish the other day. Everybody got very excited about this, saying it was a milestone that I was learning to grasp. These people are easily amused by every little thing I do, and they really seem to enjoy all my "learning". As I keep trying to explain (they don't seem to fully understand my language), I'm just having fun here and, until I saw my cute yellow fish, there just wasn't anything I wanted to reach out and grab!

Friday, July 25, 2008

See me grow!

Aunt Kati took these pictures of me with Squeakers on July 21st, my three month "birthday". She says that she plans to take more every month, so you can see how I get bigger!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Things I love

I love my playmat (especially the octopus)

I love my bouncy jiggle chair
I love my glider

I love my swing (so much it puts me to sleep)

I love my boppy

I love everything!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A new Connor chair!

A few days ago, a big brown truck stopped outside Uncle John and Aunt Kati's house. The nice man inside the truck (Aunt Kati said his name is Grant) took out a big box and left it for us. I was curious to find out what was in it, so Daddy carried it inside the house.

Savannah enjoyed sitting on the packing material that was inside the box.

Then Mommy and Uncle John put the thing together. I didn't know what it was at first, but when it was all done, I could see if was a new chair for me!
Mommy said that Aunt Kati should leave the plastic on the footrest part, because her feet are sometimes not squeaky clean from walking around barefoot everywhere.

Here's a picture of me enjoying my chair :

Sunday, July 20, 2008

God loves me!

We went to church this morning, and everyone said it was a very special day because I was going to be baptized. I was dressed in a long white outfit which was very old. My daddy and his mommy and several other people wore the same one when they were baptized.

Pastor Joyce read a lot of big words about how much God loves me, while Mommy held me. Then Pastor Joyce took me and said a prayer over me and the water. After that, she put water on my head! It was a bit startling, but I didn't fuss for long at all. Finally, Pastor Joyce carried me down the aisle of the church, so I could see all the people who are now part of my family (as brothers and sister's in God's family). They all smiled at me, and I smiled back!

Then the paparazzi must have come back, because they took lots of pictures of me with my family.

First, it was just me and Mommy and Daddy, but the group kept getting bigger...

Grandma Lyn and Aunt Kati and Uncle John joined in the fun. I held Aunt Kati's hand in case she was nervous about all those paparazzi flashes, but she seemed okay.

Finally, Daddy's cousin Andrew and his girlfriend Tina got in the picture too. They came all the way from Charlotte NC to see me! I have never been to Charlotte, but Andrew and Tina said it is pretty far away, so that was definitely nice of them to come visit.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Connor celebration!

Today, we went to Deep Water Theatre and I met a lot of new people. They were all there having a party for me! Wasn't that nice of them? They brought good food, and presents too!

I slept through part of the party, but this is a cute picture of my nice outfit that I wore. It says "new friends", which Aunt Kati said was appropriate for this occasion. I think that means it was a good one for me to wear to the party (Aunt Kati likes to use big words for some reason).

Daddy got to eat some of the yummy munchies that people brought to share. There was delicious corn casserole, mac-n-cheese, sausage rolls, and Mommy's chocolate haupia pie for dessert. It looked good to me...

...but I can't eat that stuff yet, so Grandma Lyn gave me a bottle instead. I was still happy with that, though!

Then it was time for presents! This one is a cute bib from my new friends Sundae, Rob, Emmet, Caroline and Mariah.

My most unique gift was an Ocracoke pony named Spirit. He won't really live at the house with me, but he was "adopted" for me by Dave, Karen, Emma and Molly. I bet not many babies get ponies at their parties!

These are two of my new neighbors - Emma and Mariah.

Uncle John's favorite thing was the "Wheels on the Bus" book. He sang the whole song, while Aunt Kati piled a bunch of cute clothes on him from Amy, David and Lachlan.

Then Sundae read something called an "advisory" (another big word - it looked just like a normal piece of paper to me) about a Tropical Storm called Cristobal. There were a lot of long words in it, but it basically said that it's going to be windy here for the next couple of days, and it might rain a lot too. I don't mind, because I'll just stay inside!

After all that, we posed while Lou Ann took lots of pictures of all of us. I mostly snoozed.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rolling over

I am working on rolling over. It is hard work, but I can usually start from my back and make it about three-quarters of the way to my tummy. I can't quite get all the way over, because my silly arm is in the way! Aunt Kati says I will figure it out soon, once I learn to put my arm in a different position or use it to push up and over.

I'll let you know once I've mastered it completely. In the meantime, I'll keep practicing.

Sometimes, after I practice for a while, I have to take a little snooze. I told you, it's hard work!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Green Bay boys

One morning, Mommy put a cute blue onesie on me. A little while later, it was time for my bath and so she took it off me. It was perfectly clean, and she planned to put it back on me after my bath, but when she turned around to get it, it was gone. Daddy had taken it away, claiming it was "dirty" and replacing it with the onesie he wanted me to wear. So Mommy put it on me, and then Daddy and I matched each other in supporting the best football team ever!

Aren't we cute?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Playmat and Tummy Time

Aunt Kati got me a cute play mat. It is called "Baby Einstein", so I think it is supposed to be for very smart boys like me. My mat has ocean creatures on it. There's a fish, a dolphin, and this great whale pillow that I can prop up on for "tummy time". Mommy and Aunt Kati say it is important for me to have tummy time so I can learn to crawl later. See how I can hold my head up when I am on the whale pillow!

Aunt Kati is really glad that I like my play mat (see, you can see her smiling at me in this picture). She says that she's really glad because, when she was in the store, there was a bewildering array of play mats to choose from, so she is glad she got the right one that I would love. I am not sure what "bewildering array" means, but I think there must have been a lot of them in the store. She got the best one, if you ask me!

Mommy showed me the fun toys on my play mat, like the cute yellow fish and the octopus who hangs down and looks at me. There's also a cool aquarium that lights up and plays music when I kick it. I like the music, so I kick it a lot! Aunt Kati says that helps me to learn cause and effect. Mommy loves to watch me play on my mat. She says "you can see him learning!" I don't know about all this learning, but I sure do think my mat is fun!

I love this yellow fish! It hangs down and bounces around when I kick. Sometimes, I reach up and grab it, too. (More learning, I suppose...and more fun!)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Bath in a tub

I have a friend named Alex. I haven't met him yet, but I know he is my friend because he gave me a bunch of great things that he is too big to use any more, because he is older than me. One of the things he gave me is a nice bathtub. This tub is made especially for babies, and it has a cool hammock in it! Mommy gave me a bath in it a couple of days ago, and it was fun!

After my bath, Mommy wrapped me up in my nice hooded towel and hugged me dry!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My nursery

I have the cutest nursery here at Uncle John and Aunt Kati's house! I thought you might want to see it, so here are a few pictures.

I like sleeping in my crib, and I love looking at the crab on the bumper pad and the animals that dance around when someone winds up my mobile.

Here's my changing table. Check out the basket at the bottom - it's FULL of fun toys for me!

There's an extra bed in my room, too. Mommy and I snooze there sometimes, and Squeakers the bear hangs out there most of the day.

My blanket that I got from Kelly and Brian Gauck is there on the end of the bed. It has my name on it!

There's a bookshelf in my room, too, with lots of great books that Mommy and Aunt Kati like to read to me.

Aunt Kati says that we can't do a blog without pictures of me, so here's one of me with Squeakers.