Saturday, July 5, 2008

First ferry ride - and fireworks!

I went on another long plane ride with Mommy and Daddy yesterday. We left a big island, rode on two airplanes, then went in a nice big van that Aunt Kati borrowed from her friend Sundae, then on a ferry, and finally arrived on a small island.

I don't really remember my first ferry ride much, because I was sleeping for most of it. Here's a picture of me with Mommy in the back of the van on the ferry.

We were both zonked out! If you look closely at the picture, you can see the water out the back window.

When we got to Aunt Kati's house, she showed Mommy, Daddy and me the cute room they had all set up for me. It is really great and I like snoozing in my new crib!

Then Aunt Kati showed me one of the fun things she has for me at her house. It is really entertaining and plays music.

After we played for a while and everyone ate some dinner, Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Kati and I walked down to the harbor. And you know what? I must be really famous, because my arrival on the island was celebrated with a HUGE fireworks show!

There were lots of sailboats near us, and Aunt Kati said she liked the way the pictures of the fireworks looked with the sailboat masts in them.

Daddy held me, and we watched together.


Jessi said...

Don't forget to tell me your Aunt Kati's address so I can send you a very special package!

Anonymous said...

alright . . the kid has been on ocracoke for a week now and no update?!?!?!?! . . tsk tsk . . hope things are going well!