Saturday, July 12, 2008

Playmat and Tummy Time

Aunt Kati got me a cute play mat. It is called "Baby Einstein", so I think it is supposed to be for very smart boys like me. My mat has ocean creatures on it. There's a fish, a dolphin, and this great whale pillow that I can prop up on for "tummy time". Mommy and Aunt Kati say it is important for me to have tummy time so I can learn to crawl later. See how I can hold my head up when I am on the whale pillow!

Aunt Kati is really glad that I like my play mat (see, you can see her smiling at me in this picture). She says that she's really glad because, when she was in the store, there was a bewildering array of play mats to choose from, so she is glad she got the right one that I would love. I am not sure what "bewildering array" means, but I think there must have been a lot of them in the store. She got the best one, if you ask me!

Mommy showed me the fun toys on my play mat, like the cute yellow fish and the octopus who hangs down and looks at me. There's also a cool aquarium that lights up and plays music when I kick it. I like the music, so I kick it a lot! Aunt Kati says that helps me to learn cause and effect. Mommy loves to watch me play on my mat. She says "you can see him learning!" I don't know about all this learning, but I sure do think my mat is fun!

I love this yellow fish! It hangs down and bounces around when I kick. Sometimes, I reach up and grab it, too. (More learning, I suppose...and more fun!)

1 comment:

Lauren Glenn said...

awh so presh! it is so amazing to watch babies learn something new right before your very eyes...and just because he is young dont doubt the large amount of brain development that is occuring...the majority of our brain development is done by age 3 (haha sorry im channeling my child development courses) p.s. another creepy thing to keep in mind as he grows is that by age 2 children are half of their adult height...kindaaaa creeepppyyyy haha miss you lady! give connor a kiss for me