Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Babysitters Love Me!

The Lesters-Mommy's sponsor family have watched me twice and they love me so much! They say I am very good for them and say I am cute!

Mommy's roommate Jenn gives me kisses every chance she gets! She really loves me too! She used to tell Mommy that she was gonna kidnap me and take me to Mexico, so if I go missing you know where to find me!

Lazy Daddy

So Mommy asked Daddy to get me up and bring me down while she got my nice warm bath ready. She heard him moving around but 5 minutes later neither Daddy nor I had emerged. She came upstairs and this is what she found. Daddy decided to get back in bed with me in tow!

After the first flash Daddy didn't seem very happy at the prospect of pictures being taken.
Then he tried to fend Mommy off with a hand swat, but Mommy kept nagging until he took me to my bath!
After my bath Daddy still looked tired, but I looked clean and ready to pose for the camera.

Daddy is an LT- That's sir to you

Daddy became a 2nd Lieutenant this week! Now he has to be in the Air Force for a whole 5 years! Becoming a Lieutenant is a BIG deal so we celebrated a lot.

Grandma Katy and Mommy changed Daddy's shoulder boards after he was sworn in. Granny had some trouble twisting it off, but luckily mommy is a pro.
Then they had a photo op with Lt. Reimer who was the one who swore daddy in. Lt. Riemer is daddy's old water polo coach.
These guys are all daddy's best friends from his squadron. There was a lot of celebrating for everyone because becoming a lieutenant is a big deal.
The next day was daddy's actual graduation. It was REALLY cold out and the presidents motorcade made us sit in stand still traffic for an HOUR! Luckily I wasn't there because it was too cold, so I stayed with Grammy Norma Jean at the hotel. Daddy's turn finally came and he shook President Bush's hand! Isn't this picture GREAT?!Mommy took this one of Daddy on stage with the President on the jumbotron in the stadium.
The final act is the hat toss. The General says "class of 2008, you are dismissed" and these big jets fly over while everyone screams and tosses their hats in the air. Little kids go and run to collect a hat. Each hat has the address of the person it belongs to, along with $20.08. Daddy said some kids just took the money. Only kids 7-10 are supposed to go to the field, but Daddy said that when Mommy graduates, he will take me out there to get a hat because he is an officer so we will go. Mommy's hat will have $20.11! Maybe one day I will go to their school! My hat will probably have $20.30!!! WOW, that is a LONG way away!
I am so proud of Daddy! I look up to him already!

Mohawk baby

I am a mohawk baby.. :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Big bear

I got Connor this great big stuffed polar bear, so we can take his picture with it as he grows. It will be a good long while before he is as big as it is!

Now I'm taking suggestions for a name for the bear. Leave a comment with your idea. And stay tuned for future pictures of Connor with ... whatever his name turns out to be!

Bath Time!

Mommy finally took bath time pictures of me! I am small enough to be in the sink so mommy scrubs me with these little washclothes with soap in them.

Sometimes I get upset if I get too cold, but then mommy puts more warm water on me and I calm down.

Then mommy pulls me out and makes me all warm and dry! We gotta get my diaper on fast though, no pooping on the towel!

Yeah! I am clean!

New Family!

On Monday I met the other side of my family, Daddy's side. Their name is Villiers and they are lots of fun! Grandma Katy couldn't wait to wake me up, she kept pacing my carseat waiting and hoping for me to be awake.

My great grandma Norma Jean baby sat me while everyone else went to see daddy throw his hat in the air for some reason. Mommy says it is pretty cool to have four generations, me, daddy, grandma Katy and great grandma Norma Jean.

Auntie Annie was afraid to hold me because I can't hold up my own head, but she did just great and there was lots of cuddling all around.

Mommy's Lost Camera

THANK YOU- for hanging in there while mommy's camera problems were worked out.
THANK YOU AGAIN- for waiting through the crazy week of graduation for what mommy says are some great pictures!

Here are the first pictures mommy took of me with her new fancy camera.

Mommy's camera can put pictures in black and white before it even leaves the camera!

Daddy looks young and thin here- not to mention confused.

BIG YAWN!!!!!!!!!!
Daddy's little burrito!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mommy's favorites

This is a picture of Mommy with her three favorite things:
1. Me
2. Her cell phone
3. The TV remote

If Daddy or her laptop were in this picture, it would be all of her favorite things!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sleepy place...

As a follow up to my blog about sleepy time, Aunt Kati thought she would post these pictures of my sleepy place, which she and Uncle John put together yesterday.

It's hard to tell now, but all those pieces are going to be a crib!

Uncle John read the directions, so he would be sure to put it together correctly.

Making progress...

There it is! Isn't that a nice sleepy place?

Sleepy Time!

Mommy and Daddy say that I sleep a lot, all I do is eat, poop and then sleep and every two hours I do it all over again! Here I am being a "big strong man" as Dad would say. I am flexing my biceps getting ready to start lifting weights like my Dad!

Obviously, I am not the only one who is tired all the time! Mommy and Daddy snooze with me because I guess I am pretty tiring.

This is Mommy's favorite snoozy picture of me. I get pretty tired after I poop and pee on Daddy, so thats why I don't have a shirt on.

Friday, May 9, 2008

My first trip to a restaurant

These pictures are a bit old, but I thought you might like seeing them anyway. They are from my first trip to eat at a restaurant. Well, I didn't get to eat the restaurant food but Mommy and Grandma Lyn and Aunt Kati did.

We went to a place called Red Robin. I snoozed in my seat while we waited for a table.

Aunt Kati thought this picture was funny, since we were sitting right by all the bottles of alcohol.

I even got a balloon!

A few days later, Mommy and Aunt Kati took me with them to a restaurant called L&L. They said it's one of my Daddy's favorites. And then the next day, I went with Mommy and Daddy and Aunt Kati to another place called Chipotle. So I am an expert at the restaurant thing now!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bountiful baby blessings

John and I are amazingly, abundantly blessed by our friends. Since we are preparing to have Connor live with us, we need many baby things, and our friends have more than risen to the occasion, providing lots of goodies for him.

Here's the most recent stash, from our friend Julie.

Yes, she really gave Connor all that stuff! (The box and the trash bag are both FULL of cute clothes). I think it must be because she saw this blog, and he's so adorable she just couldn't resist spoiling him! THANKS JULIE!

Monday, May 5, 2008

My first bath

I had my first bath a while ago, but I have been so busy blogging about other things that I haven't had a chance to tell you about it until right now.

I was very good and patient for this first ablution experience, especially considering the fact that I do not like to be cold. I didn't cry much at all! Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Kati, and Grandma Lyn were all there. I am told - and I certainly hope that this is true - that future baths in my life will not have this large of an audience. Anyway, here are some pictures.

Here I am on a towel on the kitchen table, ready to get started with this washing thing. I can't have a bath in a sink or baby tub until my umbilical cord falls off, so it's sponge baths for me for now...

Aunt Kati got things started, cleaning my face.

Then Mommy took care of my hair and the rest of my body.

When it was all over, I was wrapped up in this towel with a hood to keep my head warm. Everyone said it was really cute, but I was just ready to have some clothes back on at that point...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Everybody loves my boppy

Aunt Kati suggested that Mommy get a boppy pillow for us. Mommy had never heard of a boppy before, but she decided to try it. So we went to the baby stuff store and bought one with a cute blue cover. Ever since then, everyone has been enjoying it!

Mommy likes to use the boppy when she feeds me. It makes it easier to hold me, so we can both relax while I eat.

Daddy goofs around with my boppy pillow. I hope he knows it is not really a turban!

Aunt Kati discovered my boppy is a pretty comfortable place to nap.

And so did I!