Saturday, November 29, 2008


I had lots of fun playing with my Daddy this week, while we were all together in Mississippi. Apparently everyone thinks we are cute, because they took LOTS of pictures while we were playing. Here are just a few...

I liked Daddy's Air Force Water Polo shirt.

They even took pictures of Daddy feeding me!

Daddy sometimes pulls funny faces while he is feeding me...

Usually Daddy is a really macho man, but every now and then someone can catch a picture of him kissing me!

Climbing on Daddy is fun...

...but he didn't seem very appreciative of me waking him up in the morning!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Guess what I got?

Well, I don't quite have it yet, but it is on its way... first tooth! You can feel it in my bottom gum, and you can just barely see it, too. Everyone has been sticking their fingers in my mouth today, and pulling my bottom lip down to try to look in my mouth. It's a bit annoying, actually.

Aunt Kati says it's impossible to get a picture of it at this stage, so you will just have to take our word for it, and we'll post a picture later once you can see more of my tooth!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Apparently today was another one of those special "holiday" type days. So I got to wear another one of my cool bibs!

Mommy and Daddy bought this cookie with a message for me on it. But then they wouldn't let me eat any...something about no chocolate until I'm older. They told me it was really good, though.

Cute clothes

This is one of my favorite onesies..and I am about to outgrow it, so Aunt Kati put me in it one last time to take pictures. It says "BIG TRUCK" on it, and has a cute bear, too. Aunt Kati's favorite part is the matching pants. She likes the matching bib too. She really likes matching things!

Here's another cute outfit I have. Mommy bought me this one. She says I look really adorable wearing a hood.

And here's another one of my cute outfits with a matching bib, and something on the pants.


Yesterday I rode in the car with Aunt Kati, Grandma Lyn and Grandpa Joe Bob. We went to the airport, and we sat there for a while.

First, I sat on Grandma Lyn's lap.

Then I sat on my blanket and played with my Tommy Turtle rattle.

And then, Mommy was there!

She gave me lots of hugs and kisses!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A a duck!

Yesterday morning, I took a bath in a duck! We are not at our house right now - we are in Mississippi for Thanksgiving, and I'm going to see my Mommy today! So Aunt Kati got me a portable (inflatable) bathtub to use while we are here. It is cute, and it even quacks!

There was a small rubber ducky floating around in the duck I had to catch it...

...and then, of course, I put it in my mouth!

And I kept munching on it all through my bath, even when my hair was all soapy from shampoo.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Aunt Kati says that when you live on a small island, there isn't a portrait studio where you can go to get baby pictures taken. So she has to improvise! Here are a few pictures she took recently, that she thought were cute because they have my name right on the bottom of them! (And no, my name is not Olan Mills or JC Penney.)

Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm 7 months old today!

Can you believe it has been 7 months since I arrived? Wow, I've had lots of fun (and LEARNED lots and lots) in that time. Here I am with Squeakers as usual.

If you want to see my other monthly Squeakers pictures, they are here:
6 months
5 months
4 months
3 months

One thing I've learned is how to hold things, like this book...and how to put everything in my mouth!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Guess what I did?

I crept. That means I scooted myself forward across the floor on my tummy. (I didn't crawl yet, that will be later...)

Aunt Kati says it is hard to take a picture of creeping in progress, so you will just have to believe me when I say that I was on my play mat a while before these pictures were taken. You can see for yourself where I got to! (No, I didn't creep far, but it was still pretty exciting!)

Big eyed boys

Aunt Kati said this picture was just too cute not to share!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Aunt Kati read an article which said that babies my age like to play with blocks, so she bought some from eBay. (That must be a really big store, because they seem to sell everything!) Anyway, we played with blocks this morning. We sat in the den to play, so we could turn the fire on, because it was cold. I liked looking at the fire.

These blocks are really neat - they are called "Peek-a-Blocks" and they have little things inside them to look at! There was one random ball amongst all the blocks, and it has something inside it too, which spins around. I found it quite mesmerizing.

The blocks are also delicious! Well, not really, but I do like to put just about everything in my mouth, tasty or not...

One thing I liked to do was to drop the blocks (and the ball) into this bucket. It plays music when I do that!

My favorite thing to do was to make the blocks go CRASH! Aunt Kati piled them up...

...and then I knocked them over!

I did that a bunch of times, it was so fun! I guess that article Aunt Kati read was right about babies and blocks.

P.S. Aunt Kati says if you are wondering about what to get me for Christmas, the ABC Peek-a-Blocks would be great! You can see them (and other things Aunt Kati thinks I would like, plus things we need) on my wish list. And if you order them from there, they can send them right to our house, plus I won't get the same thing twice that way.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


One of my new toys is a helicopter. Aunt Kati says that it was one of the "Parenting Magazine Top Toys of 2008", so I guess that means it is a good one. Aunt Kati got it at a yard sale, because she's a "bargain shopper", whatever that means.

Anyway, I think it is fun. It plays music and makes animal sounds, plus it has a string so when I start crawling or walking, I can pull it around behind me. Right now, my favorite thing to do with it is to play with the rotors on the top - when I turn them, they make a "chop chop chop" noise, like a real helicopter!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Makin' "music"

This morning, I discovered that if I hit two things together, they make noise. I spent several minutes making some rhythmic music with this ball and one of the rings from my stacker. Aunt Kati brought me a plastic bowl and a wooden spoon, too, but I preferred my ball and ring. I did bang on the bowl with the ball (and the ring), and that was fun because it made a slightly different noise. I liked hitting the rings that Aunt Kati was holding, too. We had fun!

And here's a shout-out and message to my Grandmas (on my bib).

Sunday, November 16, 2008

More matchingness

Aunt Kati found another cute outfit with a bunch of matching stuff. It was warm here on Friday, so I wore it and Aunt Kati took these pictures so you can see it, too.

See, I really like this cute outfit - check out my big smile!

And here's one of my other smiles...

That small piece of fabric on the corner is a burp cloth, in case you were wondering!

It's a coincidence that this - one of my favorite teething rings - also matches the outfit!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

New toys

Aunt Kati has been eBaying again, so I got a few new toys as a result. There's one I really like which looks like a bird bath. It plays music when I touch the birds or "splash" the "water".

At the bottom of the birdbath is the "garden", with "vegetables" I can pull out of the ground. I like to chew on them!

In this next picture, you can see three of the other new toys I got recently. Jakes likes checking them out, too!

Sleepy boys

The other day I was hanging out with Uncle John when we both got really tired. So we took a nap.

When Aunt Kati took our picture, I woke up, but Uncle John kept right on snoozing...

Uncle John must really love me, because he didn't even mind that I had drooled all over his shirt!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Matching madness

Aunt Kati dressed me in this cute outfit today, with blue dogs on it. It's adorable!

Then later we found that there's a matching BIB, and it was even more adorable.

Finally, believe it or not, Aunt Kati found a matching BLANKET! Now, that's a serious amount of matching-ness. Here are some pictures so you can see how cute it all is.