Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy half birthday to me!

Today is my "half birthday". That means I'm 6 months old. Aunt Kati said that it doesn't mean that I get half a cake, unfortunately! I did get to eat something new today, though: green beans. I liked them!

Here are my pictures with Squeakers, now that I am 6 months old. Aunt Kati says the biggest difference about these pictures is that I am not leaning against Squeakers - I can now sit up by myself!

I got a bunch of great presents - a bib, clothes, and a pile of books - from my Grandma Katy for my half birthday. Isn't she nice?

Uncle John and Aunt Kati and I went out to dinner to celebrate my big day. There was a nice lady there from England, and she gave me a nickel.

It was a happy half birthday!

1 comment:

connorsmommy said...

oh my goodness. i cant stop looking at how grown up you are! you are so cute my little pumpkin! i love you!