Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

To everyone I love! Aunt Kati took some cute pictures of me that she'll add to this post later, so for now here's one of some yummy-looking cookies that will tell you how I feel about you!

Sorry it took so long to add more they are. Lots of love to everyone!

Aunt Kati got me a BIG Valentine's Day card with Buzz Lightyear on it!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dancing man

We went to a potluck tonight at Philip's house. He has this cool thing called "The Dancing Man". It's actually a percussion instrument, although it looks like a kind of puppet. When it "dances", its feet hit the board and make a tapping sound. It is really easy to play and I had a lot of fun with it!

Baby in a basket

I like to help with the laundry. Well, mostly my helping consists of playing in the laundry basket!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


There was a fundraiser for my school last weekend, and it was a really yummy kind of fundraiser. Pancakes! Aunt Kati and I went and got some. Mine had blueberries on them, and Aunt Kati gave me some whipped cream to make them even more delicious!

(It was a special treat...normally she feeds me a healthier breakfast than this, I promise.)

I enjoyed my special breakfast treat very much.

Pancakes make me smile.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I had a really delicious ice cream treat after dinner recently.