Friday, May 29, 2009

Laptop lovers

My uncle John has a laptop.

And my Aunt Kati has a laptop.

And my Mommy has a laptop.

(She pulled a funny face when Aunt Kati took this picture...she said to tell you that she doesn't normally look like that when using her laptop.)

And I have a laptop, too! (I got it for my birthday from Grandma Lyn and Grandpa Joe Bob.)

I think my laptop is the most fun of all of them. It lights up and plays music! I like to dance to the music when it does that. Here's a video of me playing with it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Walking wonder

You probably remember reading about when I took my first steps. And maybe you've been wondering about how my walking skills are coming along.

Well, I am really good at it now! I got a really great walking/riding toy for my birthday from Grandpa Joe Bob and Grandma Lyn, and it has helped me become an excellent walker! Plus, it is loads of fun! Here's a video so you can see how good I am at walking, both with and without it.

Sometimes, when I'm done walking, I park my walker in it's "garage", also known as my tent.

Friday, May 22, 2009

A visit from my friend Charlotte

Today, my friend and neighbor Charlotte came to visit for a while. We had a really fun time together!

We just sat and laughed for a while...

...and then I invited Charlotte to visit my tent.

I think she liked it!

13 months with Squeakers

Yesterday, I turned 13 months old. Aunt Kati says sorry she forgot to make sure this post would be dated on the 21st, but this will have to do. Anyway, as usual, here are the pictures of me with Squeakers.

And now, also as usual, here are the links to my other Squeakers pictures, so you can see how much I have grown:
12 months (aka 1 year) and 11 months
10 months
9 months
8 months
7 months
6 months
5 months
4 months
3 months

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Yesterday was the Hoop-a-Thon, to raise money for my daycare. All the kids were there, shooting hoops. It was lots of fun!

Before we started shooting hoops, I had a blast walking around carrying this big blue ball!

I even had a shirt with my name on the back, just like real basketball players. In this picture, I am slam dunking the ball. Well, 1 year old style slam dunking, anyway!

After we were done shooting, I sat with Miss Merrian and my friend Payce, watching the big kids shootout.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Just a swingin'

Daddy gave me a swing, and Uncle John hung it up in the screened porch. I like it a lot! One time, I fell asleep while swinging, and had a nice snooze. I'm not asleep in any of these pictures, though!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Daddy's car

Tutu Katy brought me a cute wooden car. She said it used to be my Daddy's and that he liked to play with it when he was young like I am now. I like to play with it, too!

And here's a picture of me playing with the car on another day. Aunt Kati said we had to add this one to the blog because I'm wearing my "Property of United States Air Force Academy" t-shirt.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pool play!

Mommy got me a pool for my birthday. It is really, really fun! I don't have a lot to say about it other than that, so I'll just let you enjoy the pictures and the video.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tunnel time

One of the presents I got for my birthday is a tunnel. It is really fun to crawl through.

Mommy also enjoyed playing in it with me!

Here's a video so you can see how much fun I had in my tunnel.

My Mommy

Here are a few things I know about my Mommy, that I would like you to know too.

1. She is really good at putting things together.

2. She is NOT very good at making bows! (She made the silver bow on my walker, which you can see at the bottom right of this picture. Not too impressive. :) But I love her anyway!)

3. Apparently, she likes to play drums. (Probably only with me, though.)

4. She is lots of fun to play with.

5. She loves to zerbert my tummy.

6. She's gorgeous.

And now you know!