Thursday, September 30, 2010

Colorado trip blog 6 - Lil Bigg Town

Mommy, Grandma, Aunt Kati and I went to a really, really fun place one day during our trip to Colorado Springs. There was so much fun stuff to do there! A slide...

...a bounce house...

... a carousel...

... a room full of musical instruments to play...

... a Thomas "ridey"...

...a fun game called Skeeball...

...and several other things, too! We had so much fun, it might have been illegal!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Colorado trip blog 5 - Mommy's dorm

Today we went to visit Mommy at school. She lives in a big building called a dorm. I had fun meeting Mommy's friends, and playing on the bed with her!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Colorado trip blog 4 - indoor picnic

We decided to have dinner in a really fun way tonight - we had a picnic inside! We sat on a blanket and everything!

Mmmmm...mac and cheese!

A little after dinner snuggling...

...and giggling!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Colorado trip blog 3 - mini golf

We went to play mini golf this morning, which was lots of fun! Mommy showed me how to hit my cool purple golf ball.

The mini golf course had lots of fun things to look at - like this guy in a canoe...


..and this rocket that we had to hit the ball under...

...and even a castle!

In addition to golf, we also had other kinds of big fun!

Here's a nice picture of me and Mommy and Eric.

And here's a video of me playing golf.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Colorado trip blog 2 - so tall!

I am getting to be pretty tall...but I will probably never be quite THIS tall!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Colorado trip blog 1 - sleepy baby...

Aunt Kati, Uncle John and I took a trip to Colorado to visit Mommy. (And Eric and Grandma and Grandpa were there, too.) It was lots of fun, and it will take me a few blogs to tell you all about here's the first one.

To go to Colorado, we went on an airplane. I love flying on airplanes because I get to eat lollipops! This trip was the first time I got to sit in a seat of my very own, like a big boy. That was cool!

When you go on an airplane a long way across the country, and then you ride in a car for a while after you get there, it makes you pretty sleepy. And when that happens, you can fall asleep right in the middle of a large group of people talking in a hotel lobby. Here's proof.

No, Mommy's not asleep in that picture although it sorta looks like she is...she's just looking at how cute I am.

Here's a really pretty picture of my Mommy. :)

It almost looks like Eric is sleeping in that one...but he's not. I was the only one smart enough to just go ahead and go to sleep!