Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Stacks and stacks

My Daddy says that I have more clothes than he does. He may be right, judging by the three piles of clothes Aunt Kati had on the floor of the den this afternoon (she was sorting them all out for me). Check out all my cute outfits:

These are just the ones that fit me right now (the newborn size). Some of them are actually a bit big, because I am so small. But I will grow soon enough! If any of you readers are thinking that this is too many clothes for a tiny baby, Mommy and Aunt Kati say: "you should have been here last night, when Connor went through four outfits in an hour!" And the big pile on the left is actually blankets, not outfits.

These are my 0 - 3 month outfits. I will be wearing these soon. My friend Julie sent a bunch of these as a present for me, because her baby boy Alex is too big for them. Wasn't that nice of her to share?

These are my 3 - 6 month size outfits. Aunt Kati is going to take them home to her house and keep them safe for me, because I will be living with her and Uncle John by the time I am big enough to wear them!

Now, for those of you who complain when there's a blog with no pictures of me, here are some photos of me with my family:

Aunt Kati really likes this picture of me with Mommy and Daddy. I am wearing my swaddler/sleep sack, which makes me feel very warm and safe. The weird shaped pillow under Daddy's elbow is my boppy, which I'll tell you more about in another blog.

Me with Mommy and Aunt Kati.

Me with Mommy and Grandma Lyn. Yes, I pretty much slept through this whole photo session!

Me with Mommy and Grandpa Joe Bob. I know, I'm still snoozin'...I do that a lot!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My first Doctor visit

I went to the Doctor last Friday. Aunt Kati said that the room was really cute (the bed where the big kids sit looked like a train), but I didn't notice that because I was mostly annoyed at being undressed.

First the nurse measured and weighed me. I'm still 19 1/2 inches long, like I was when I arrived on Monday, but I only weigh 6 pounds 2 ounces now. Everybody says that's normal and I will get those other 4 ounces back soon!

Then the nurse measured the size of my head. I assume it's the same as when I was born!

I snuggled with Mommy while we waited for the Doctor.

When he got there, the Doctor looked in my eyes and ears and listened to my heart.

He said that I was "perfect", and the first baby he had seen in a long time who didn't have jaundice. I don't know what that is, but it sounded like something I didn't want to have, so I'm glad I didn't!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Meeting new people

Wow, I have met a lot of people in my first week here. Everybody loves me. See this blog for the reason why. Anyway, here are some of the new people I've met, who all want to hold me and talk to me. Some of them even sing to me!

One of the first new people I met (after my Mommy and Daddy, and the nice Doctors and Nurses) was my Aunt Kati. Here she is holding me in the hospital just a few hours after I was born. She said she was sad she didn't get to be there when I was born, but I don't mind. (She's one of the ones who sings to me, in case you were wondering...)

The next day, I met my Grandma Lyn (Mommy's Mommy):

And in the days since, I've met:

Grandma Lyn's friend Pam:

Mommy's housemate Jen:

Grandpa Joe Bob (Mommy's Daddy):

My new friend Kali (Jen's daughter):

Mrs. Lester, my Mommy's "sponsor Mom" from the Academy:

Oh, and speaking of the Academy, I went there for a short visit and met more people, since that's where my Mommy goes to school. But I'll have to tell you about that in another blog...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

If you thought...

...that my bassinet was cute before...

...just look how much more adorable it is now!

Mommy and Daddy (and Aunt Kati, and pretty much everyone else who has used it to change me on) say that the changing table part of the bassinet is really convenient. I don't know what that means, but I do know I'm not a huge fan of having my diaper changed!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Daddy Time!

Daddy and I like to spend time together. This is daddy learning how to cuddle with me skin to skin so I will be comfy and warm and we can bond. We are pretty manly men, so we need to get this out of the way now, cause in a couple years we wont be "cuddling" anymore, tough guys don't do that.

Daddy likes to make faces when he is holding me. I seem to sleep a lot whenever he is around, maybe I am just tired, I do work very hard eating and pooping and crying all night.

Daddy calls me a baby burrito because he wraps me up tight so I will be warm and feel like I am in the womb. Luckily I wasn't awake when daddy tried to eat my head, otherwise I may be afraid of him and his big teeth!

Here we are! Side by side! People say I have my daddy's eyes (blue), his hair (blonde) and his nose (from the side!). I have my mommy's lips and that is about it. If people hadn't seen me come out of her, I am not sure they would believe she is my mommy!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Coming home

I made my big trip home yesterday (Wednesday).

First, Mommy fed me to make sure I was happy and content. Everyone says I'm a good eater!

Then we both got dressed. I don't like to get dressed (because I don't like to be un-swaddled, I get cold easily). So once we were dressed Mommy snuggled with me to warm me up again. Plus, I think she really just likes snuggling with me.

Then, Mommy and Aunt Kati put me in my car seat. (Yes, this was a two person job, as I don't like to stretch out my legs...I am used to being all curled up and it's my favorite position!) I wasn't sure what a car was, but they told me I had to be in this seat to go in one. The nice nurse at the hospital checked me out in the seat, to make sure I was safely buckled in and ready for my ride. Don't worry about that band-aid on my foot. I didn't hurt myself, they just pricked me there to check my blood sugar after I was born.

I thought we were ready to go at that point, but then Mommy had to go to something called a pharmacy and after that to a desk to check out of the hospital. We waited for a long time, so I decided to munch on my finger for a while. Then, I fell asleep. They told me later that I even slept through the floor cleaning machine coming right by me, and that I am a really good sleeper, but I don't remember any of that. I was sleeping!

We walked outside into the sunshine, which woke me up, but Mommy put my nice canopy up to keep it out of my eyes. My car seat is pretty fancy, huh? Finally, we got in the car. I liked the vibrations of the ride, and went right back to sleep!

When I got home, everyone was waiting there to see me and take my picture. That's Mommy's housemate Jen taking my picture on her phone, and Grandma Lyn's friend Pam taking my picture with her camera, and Grandma Lyn sitting on the stairs watching me.
Even Cupcake the cat watched as Mommy brought me up the stairs for the first time!

After everyone was done looking at me, I hung out with Daddy for a while on the couch. We were the only guys there, among 8 girls (including the cat and the dog), so we had to stick together.

Whew! That was a lot of blogging! Time for another snooze now. Talk to you tomorrow...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I think I'm famous

I think I might be famous, because a lot of flashbulbs go off around me. Apparently, the paparazzi are here and taking my picture frequently. Luckily, I'm a good sleeper and it doesn't bother me if they snap away. Speaking of which...yawn. Talk to you tomorrow. Love, Connor

The nice nurse took my vitals. (I'm not sure what that means...I guess it has something to do with being so famous - they want to keep checking on me to make sure I'm okay.) Anyway, he was very gentle, but I was not a big fan of the thermometer under my arm. They told me it could have been worse, but I don't know what they meant...

Here I am with my Mommy. See, I am obviously very famous, because they even take pictures of me when I am asleep!

My first family portrait with Mom and Dad. I guess they must be famous, too.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Here I am!

Hi, world, it's me, Connor!

I arrived today at 6:17 PM, weighing in at 6 pounds 6 ounces, and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. Everybody says I am really cute. I am very good and don't even cry much.

Tomorrow, my Aunt Kati will post a picture of me here on this blog so you can see for yourself how adorable I am!

That's all for now...I've had a long day and I am really sleepy. So good night everyone...see you in the morning.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Changing place

John and I put Connor's changing table together this weekend. It is sooo cute, and now his room is really starting to look like a nursery. The crib will be next!

I haven't used this to change a baby on yet, obviously, but assuming that it performs its intended function well, I definitely recommend the changing table. It was a breeze to put together, is quite sturdy, and takes up very little space (I love the brilliant use of corner space, and the fact that we will be able to change Connor with his feet towards us). Later, it can be a toy or bookshelf.

Here it is in progress, almost completely put together:

I bought 2 "honey" colored wicker baskets to go on the changing table (the crib is honey as well, so they should match nicely). They came with white liners, and three different colors of accent ribbons. I used the green, and had several moments of slight-obsession trying to get the bow to lie the way I wanted it to. I finally gave of the bows looks great and the other is just barely acceptable. I'll work on it more later!

Anyway, here's the final product:

After the changing table was done, I added one more touch to the room - this adorable switchplate.

And yes, I totally get that all this cuteness will be lost on Connor and that it's mostly for the grownups to feel warm and fuzzy. I'm okay with that.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sneak preview

Check out this set of really cute bibs I got for Connor. If you think these are adorable now, just wait until you see him in them! It will take a year, but I'll post pictures of him as he wears each one. won't that be sweet?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Daddy Tries the Western Thing

Somehow, don't ask me how, I convinced Damon to go to a western bar (honkeytonk to all you country folk) on Saturday night. His stipulations were that he got to wear a hat, boots, spurs and my friend Britney had to buy all of his drinks. I guess he thought I couldnt wrangle all that, but I did, and he agreed to go. Doesn't he make a great cowboy! It is so convincing!

Here he is showing off the boots he borrowed from Devon. They made him take the spurs off. Really that was all that made his night, so he was pretty bummed about the lack of spurs.

This is Britney, my summer roomate, me and Damon (looking tough) because tough guys dont look at cameras-duh.

Here is Brit and me pointing for a photo op of Connor. I look kind of constipated but I was being silly. Even if his Daddy doesn't like country music, I know Connor will! He will be my little cowboy!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bassinett FUN!

So I put this together while Damon was asleep on the couch today. I also cleaned, rearranged and organized my entire room. Can you say nesting?!

This purchase was Kati's idea, it is a portable play yard with bassinett insert and changing table attachment! Perfect for my use over the next 2 months, and great for her to put in her room or use as a play yard when Connor outgrows the bassinett piece!

This is a picture of the diaper stacker and wipes holder piece on the side to show the sheer convenience of this changing piece.

The playyard is a Graco Jungle Theme and it is SO cute. This is the mobile. It is not motorized so you have to spin it yourself but the animals are adorable and the whole thing is pretty great. I cant wait to get Connor in it!
You definitely gain a real sense of accomplishment after knowing you have a lot to do, and getting it all done! Putting this together and getting my room organized really has helped me feel more "prepared" even if I am not actually really prepared! I feel more ready to have a child now and that is a comforting feeling!