Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Stacks and stacks

My Daddy says that I have more clothes than he does. He may be right, judging by the three piles of clothes Aunt Kati had on the floor of the den this afternoon (she was sorting them all out for me). Check out all my cute outfits:

These are just the ones that fit me right now (the newborn size). Some of them are actually a bit big, because I am so small. But I will grow soon enough! If any of you readers are thinking that this is too many clothes for a tiny baby, Mommy and Aunt Kati say: "you should have been here last night, when Connor went through four outfits in an hour!" And the big pile on the left is actually blankets, not outfits.

These are my 0 - 3 month outfits. I will be wearing these soon. My friend Julie sent a bunch of these as a present for me, because her baby boy Alex is too big for them. Wasn't that nice of her to share?

These are my 3 - 6 month size outfits. Aunt Kati is going to take them home to her house and keep them safe for me, because I will be living with her and Uncle John by the time I am big enough to wear them!

Now, for those of you who complain when there's a blog with no pictures of me, here are some photos of me with my family:

Aunt Kati really likes this picture of me with Mommy and Daddy. I am wearing my swaddler/sleep sack, which makes me feel very warm and safe. The weird shaped pillow under Daddy's elbow is my boppy, which I'll tell you more about in another blog.

Me with Mommy and Aunt Kati.

Me with Mommy and Grandma Lyn. Yes, I pretty much slept through this whole photo session!

Me with Mommy and Grandpa Joe Bob. I know, I'm still snoozin'...I do that a lot!

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