Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bassinett FUN!

So I put this together while Damon was asleep on the couch today. I also cleaned, rearranged and organized my entire room. Can you say nesting?!

This purchase was Kati's idea, it is a portable play yard with bassinett insert and changing table attachment! Perfect for my use over the next 2 months, and great for her to put in her room or use as a play yard when Connor outgrows the bassinett piece!

This is a picture of the diaper stacker and wipes holder piece on the side to show the sheer convenience of this changing piece.

The playyard is a Graco Jungle Theme and it is SO cute. This is the mobile. It is not motorized so you have to spin it yourself but the animals are adorable and the whole thing is pretty great. I cant wait to get Connor in it!
You definitely gain a real sense of accomplishment after knowing you have a lot to do, and getting it all done! Putting this together and getting my room organized really has helped me feel more "prepared" even if I am not actually really prepared! I feel more ready to have a child now and that is a comforting feeling!

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