Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas everyone!

Pictures coming later, once Aunt Kati gets the house cleaned up and her life a bit caught up...

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's that time of year...

...when things get busy and there are lots of fun parties and decorations everywhere. Aunt Kati says some of you might be wondering what kinds of things I asked Santa to bring me for Christmas, so you can look here if you are curious about that sort of thing.

We went to Walt Disney World for two weeks! Boy did we have fun! Aunt Kati says it will take quite a while to get the blogs posted, but that she promises she will work on it!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Just hangin' out

Aunt Kati went to several yard sales on Saturday. I like to go with her, but she takes longer to check everything out than I do. That's okay, though...I don't mind just hanging out until she's done shopping (or chatting!)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or treat!

Today, Aunt Kati and I got all dressed up in our Bob the Builder and Wendy costumes again.

Then we went for a walk. It was a really great walk, because some of our friends went with us. They were wearing costumes, too!

There were LOTS of kids out walking.

And they all had bags. I had one, too!

The best thing about this walk was that we got to go up to people's houses, and they put candy in our bags!

Aunt Kati had told me that I was supposed to say "Trick or Treat!", but every time she asked me "what do you need to say?", I said "Please!" or "Thank you!" instead. I can't help it...I'm just a sweet, polite boy.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Here's a good picture of my big blue eyes! Hope you had a wonderful birthday. I love you!

Monday, October 25, 2010


I went to the big carnival at the school this year for the first time! (For the last two years, I just went to the costume parade, but this year I was big enough to go play some of the carnival games, too.) It was lots of fun!

First was the costume parade...

Am I cute in my Bob the Builder costume, or what? Aunt Kati dressed as Bob's friend Wendy who wears a blue hard hat, and we walked around together.

Then, we went inside for the carnival. Can you tell I was excited about it?

I got to play a fishing game...

...and I "caught" a goodie bag!

They let me get close to the clown for the bean bag toss...

...and close to the basket for the flounder toss. Don't worry, they weren't real flounder - that would be TOO stinky!

I liked decorating this giant candy corn with fuzzy balls.

But my favorite game was the ducks. I played it over and over and over. But I was a bit sad that I didn't get to keep the duck as a prize!

I had a really great time!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fire truck!

Did you know that October is Fire Prevention Month? Well, now you do. Every October, the Fire Department here has an open house where they let kids do all sorts of fun things, like climb on the truck...

..and climb IN the truck...

...and pretend to DRIVE the truck...

...and look out the window of the truck...

...and just generally enjoy the truck!

Wow, this tire is taller than me!

They also let us do other fun things, too, like watch a movie about fire safety, and spray water with the hose!

The kids were taking turns spraying a ball to make it move, but I kept wanting to run and get the ball.

So one of the firemen brought it to me...even though I sprayed him!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Tiny store" dock and good stuff on the porch

Our island has two grocery stories: the big one, called the Variety Store, which I like. And the small one, called the Community Store, which I love. I call the Community Store the "tiny store" or the "water store", because it is right on the harbor. And I love it because my friend Sarah works there, and because they have a wonderful porch where I can sit and... well, you'll see.

Sometimes, before we go into the store, we walk out onto the dock to look at the water and the boats. It is fun sitting in the sun...

...although sometimes the light is a bit too bright!

Look! A boat!

Then I go in the store and say Hi to my friend Sarah. I get really upset when she is not there! She is my favorite store employee and she always smiles and talks to me.

Then comes the best part, when we sit on the porch and eat ice cream!

I always get the same kind - strawberry - because it is lip-smacking-delicious.

Uncle John and I sit and eat our ice cream bars together.

By the way, Aunt Kati says not to worry about that bruise under his eye, and no, she did not hit him! He just woke up one morning and there it was. Weird, huh?

Sometimes Uncle John shares his ice cream with me. I am pretty sure that means he loves me a lot.

Toys anyone?

Sometimes I like to play with all my toys at once, and the living room looks "like a tornado came through", according to Aunt Kati. I don't think it's really that bad, personally.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Green Bay boys

Daddy likes a football team called the Green Bay Packers, so he brought me a cool Green Bay outfit. He has a Green Bay shirt, too, so we matched!

Green Bay is Number 1, I say!

Beach time with Daddy

Daddy and I had big fun playing in the waves on the beach, even though the water was a little bit cold!

I love jumping over the waves!

Friday, October 8, 2010

A new sign

I know a little bit of sign language. When my Daddy came to visit, I learned my first bit of Hawaiian sign language: the shaka!

Daddy showed me how to hold my fingers.

Got it!

This is fun!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Colorado trip blog 9 - water baby

One great thing about going to stay in a hotel is they have a pool! I love to jump in from the side, and practice my swimming. I had so much fun! Just ignore the last 20 seconds or so of the video...Uncle John didn't realize he hadn't turned off the camera. Whoops!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Colorado trip blog 8 - read it again please

When you go on a long trip for vacation, and you have to fly there, you can't bring as many toys and books as you would like to (you just can't fit them all in to your suitcase). So I brought my two favorite books with me: Thomas-saurus Rex and Bless Me (which I like to read every night before bed). As a result, most of the adults in my life now have Thomas-saurus Rex memorized (everyone memorized Bless Me ages and ages ago...)

Uncle John is so patient, he read it to me over and over!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Colorado trip blog 7 - Flying W

Today, we went to the Flying W Ranch. We got to see lots of interesting things.

I liked the American Indian dancers, especially the cool drum music they danced to!

Aunt Kati and I went to jail. (Not really, of course!)

We got to go in a teepee...

...and Mommy and I pretended to warm our hands by the fire.

There was a really pretty church.

I liked talking to this horse.

Then we had a delicious dinner on tin cowboy plates!

Uncle John said that was his favorite part, because he had a yummy steak!

But my favorite part was the music show - the Flying W Wranglers band was amazing and lots of fun to listen to.

I liked them so much that I sat and listened to the whole show, even though it was past my usual bedtime.

If you ever go to Colorado Springs, I think you should go to the Flying W. It's fun!