Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Tiny store" dock and good stuff on the porch

Our island has two grocery stories: the big one, called the Variety Store, which I like. And the small one, called the Community Store, which I love. I call the Community Store the "tiny store" or the "water store", because it is right on the harbor. And I love it because my friend Sarah works there, and because they have a wonderful porch where I can sit and... well, you'll see.

Sometimes, before we go into the store, we walk out onto the dock to look at the water and the boats. It is fun sitting in the sun...

...although sometimes the light is a bit too bright!

Look! A boat!

Then I go in the store and say Hi to my friend Sarah. I get really upset when she is not there! She is my favorite store employee and she always smiles and talks to me.

Then comes the best part, when we sit on the porch and eat ice cream!

I always get the same kind - strawberry - because it is lip-smacking-delicious.

Uncle John and I sit and eat our ice cream bars together.

By the way, Aunt Kati says not to worry about that bruise under his eye, and no, she did not hit him! He just woke up one morning and there it was. Weird, huh?

Sometimes Uncle John shares his ice cream with me. I am pretty sure that means he loves me a lot.

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