Monday, October 25, 2010


I went to the big carnival at the school this year for the first time! (For the last two years, I just went to the costume parade, but this year I was big enough to go play some of the carnival games, too.) It was lots of fun!

First was the costume parade...

Am I cute in my Bob the Builder costume, or what? Aunt Kati dressed as Bob's friend Wendy who wears a blue hard hat, and we walked around together.

Then, we went inside for the carnival. Can you tell I was excited about it?

I got to play a fishing game...

...and I "caught" a goodie bag!

They let me get close to the clown for the bean bag toss...

...and close to the basket for the flounder toss. Don't worry, they weren't real flounder - that would be TOO stinky!

I liked decorating this giant candy corn with fuzzy balls.

But my favorite game was the ducks. I played it over and over and over. But I was a bit sad that I didn't get to keep the duck as a prize!

I had a really great time!

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