Tuesday, April 21, 2009

12 months (aka 1 year) today!

Just in case you're wondering: no, we didn't forget about putting my picture with Squeakers at 12 months on the blog. Here it is!

Aunt Kati wants you to know that I was in a very playful mood when she was trying to take my picture with Squeakers, and I didn't want to sit still, so it is pretty amazing that she got that one. Here's an example of the other ones she was getting while hoping I would stop moving for just a minute!

Also, in case you think we forgot to post my 11 month picture, that's not the case either. The day I turned 11 months old was the same day that Aunt Kati and I left to drive to Charleston for the cruise. We had to get up really early, and I was cranky about that. So when Aunt Kati tried to take my picture with Squeakers, she didn't get any good ones. Here's the proof!


Tamira Jones said...

Happy Birthday baby Connor!!!

connorsmommy said...

first and last pic links are broken.. :(

miss you buddy!