Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Aunt Kati read an article which said that babies my age like to play with blocks, so she bought some from eBay. (That must be a really big store, because they seem to sell everything!) Anyway, we played with blocks this morning. We sat in the den to play, so we could turn the fire on, because it was cold. I liked looking at the fire.

These blocks are really neat - they are called "Peek-a-Blocks" and they have little things inside them to look at! There was one random ball amongst all the blocks, and it has something inside it too, which spins around. I found it quite mesmerizing.

The blocks are also delicious! Well, not really, but I do like to put just about everything in my mouth, tasty or not...

One thing I liked to do was to drop the blocks (and the ball) into this bucket. It plays music when I do that!

My favorite thing to do was to make the blocks go CRASH! Aunt Kati piled them up...

...and then I knocked them over!

I did that a bunch of times, it was so fun! I guess that article Aunt Kati read was right about babies and blocks.

P.S. Aunt Kati says if you are wondering about what to get me for Christmas, the ABC Peek-a-Blocks would be great! You can see them (and other things Aunt Kati thinks I would like, plus things we need) on my wish list. And if you order them from there, they can send them right to our house, plus I won't get the same thing twice that way.

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