Saturday, May 31, 2008

Daddy is an LT- That's sir to you

Daddy became a 2nd Lieutenant this week! Now he has to be in the Air Force for a whole 5 years! Becoming a Lieutenant is a BIG deal so we celebrated a lot.

Grandma Katy and Mommy changed Daddy's shoulder boards after he was sworn in. Granny had some trouble twisting it off, but luckily mommy is a pro.
Then they had a photo op with Lt. Reimer who was the one who swore daddy in. Lt. Riemer is daddy's old water polo coach.
These guys are all daddy's best friends from his squadron. There was a lot of celebrating for everyone because becoming a lieutenant is a big deal.
The next day was daddy's actual graduation. It was REALLY cold out and the presidents motorcade made us sit in stand still traffic for an HOUR! Luckily I wasn't there because it was too cold, so I stayed with Grammy Norma Jean at the hotel. Daddy's turn finally came and he shook President Bush's hand! Isn't this picture GREAT?!Mommy took this one of Daddy on stage with the President on the jumbotron in the stadium.
The final act is the hat toss. The General says "class of 2008, you are dismissed" and these big jets fly over while everyone screams and tosses their hats in the air. Little kids go and run to collect a hat. Each hat has the address of the person it belongs to, along with $20.08. Daddy said some kids just took the money. Only kids 7-10 are supposed to go to the field, but Daddy said that when Mommy graduates, he will take me out there to get a hat because he is an officer so we will go. Mommy's hat will have $20.11! Maybe one day I will go to their school! My hat will probably have $20.30!!! WOW, that is a LONG way away!
I am so proud of Daddy! I look up to him already!

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