Sunday, July 20, 2008

God loves me!

We went to church this morning, and everyone said it was a very special day because I was going to be baptized. I was dressed in a long white outfit which was very old. My daddy and his mommy and several other people wore the same one when they were baptized.

Pastor Joyce read a lot of big words about how much God loves me, while Mommy held me. Then Pastor Joyce took me and said a prayer over me and the water. After that, she put water on my head! It was a bit startling, but I didn't fuss for long at all. Finally, Pastor Joyce carried me down the aisle of the church, so I could see all the people who are now part of my family (as brothers and sister's in God's family). They all smiled at me, and I smiled back!

Then the paparazzi must have come back, because they took lots of pictures of me with my family.

First, it was just me and Mommy and Daddy, but the group kept getting bigger...

Grandma Lyn and Aunt Kati and Uncle John joined in the fun. I held Aunt Kati's hand in case she was nervous about all those paparazzi flashes, but she seemed okay.

Finally, Daddy's cousin Andrew and his girlfriend Tina got in the picture too. They came all the way from Charlotte NC to see me! I have never been to Charlotte, but Andrew and Tina said it is pretty far away, so that was definitely nice of them to come visit.

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