Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tie dye

Yesterday, we got to make cool tie dye t-shirts. We all made matching ones, so watch for a funny photo coming later!

To make a tie dye t-shirt, you have to twist it. First, Mommy twisted hers. Notice her tongue.

Then she helped me twist mine. Notice my tongue. Think it's genetic? You're right, because Grandma and Aunt Kati also stick out their tongues when they are concentrating.

I took my twisted shirt to the lady to put in the different colored dyes.

And then we put it in a bag. It has to stay in this bag for at least a week, and then I get to take it out and see how cool it is!

(Oh, in case you're wondering why I have two bags: it's because I also made a matching hat!)

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