Monday, November 17, 2008

Makin' "music"

This morning, I discovered that if I hit two things together, they make noise. I spent several minutes making some rhythmic music with this ball and one of the rings from my stacker. Aunt Kati brought me a plastic bowl and a wooden spoon, too, but I preferred my ball and ring. I did bang on the bowl with the ball (and the ring), and that was fun because it made a slightly different noise. I liked hitting the rings that Aunt Kati was holding, too. We had fun!

And here's a shout-out and message to my Grandmas (on my bib).


Anonymous said...

Hi my favorite blue eyed boy. I am looking forward to "shouting out" back at you this week! Did you remind Aunt Kati and Uncle John about the Uhaul to bring all[or at least your favorite]toys with you?

Ocrakate said...

Aunt Kati says she and Uncle John were thinking about buying an SUV so they could fit all my toys and stuff in it! I'm not sure what an SUV is, but I guess it must be bigger than the car we ride around in now.