Thursday, February 26, 2009

My first...

Today, I got my first HAIRCUT!

Here's the "before" picture. That's Susie, the nice lady who cut my hair, behind me.

And here are some "after" pictures.

I was really good for Susie, sitting still most of the time and not crying at all.

You can see the back of my hair in this picture of us in the mirror.

After my haircut, we went back to daycare so everyone could see my new look. They were all amazed and said things like "he looks so different" and "oh my goodness" and "wow". Aunt Kati joked that she had apparently misplaced Connor, but luckily she had found a really cute baby with short hair instead. I was not as impressed as everyone else. After we left the daycare, Aunt Kati took me for a drive on the beach. I looked at the ocean for a few minutes, and then I promptly fell asleep!


connorsmommy said...

OH MY GOODNESS! SO ADORABLE. I am peeing my pants with how cute you are right now!

connorsmommy said...

PS. You, sir, are the most handsome young man ever!

Anonymous said...

Oh he looks so good! Wait until Ron sees the blog - he is in California but I am sure he'll check this out... One more "first" for Connor.

Jessi Ziepfel said...

I love your haircut! Now I can see more of your beautiful face!